
  • Lukasa (memory board)
  • Mbudye Society, Luba peoples, Congo basin
  • 19th to 20th century
  • wood, beads, metal

Luba Peoples

  • located in Congo basin
  • history is performed, not read
  • elite members of Mbudye society record history

Mbudye Society

  • the court historieans associate memories with locations
  • guarding Luba politics and tradition
  • considered elite men of memory
    • requires extensive training
  • created in 1700s
  • keep kings in check based on traditional power and role

Lukasa Memory Board

  • used to remember history
    • used by Luba historians
    • oral performance
    • permits multiple interpretations
  • used as checks and balances
  • held in left hand when read
    • beads are traced with right finger
    • interpretation is flexible
  • beads have meaning
    • may stand for individuals
    • arrangements in color represent proverbs
    • show historical landscape

Formal Characteristics

  • rectangular or hourglass shape
    • represents all at once
      • Luba landscape
      • royal court
      • human anatomy
      • royal tortoise
  • beads
    • used to evoke meanings of the past
  • small, handheld
    • narrow at center for grip
  • carved geometric designs on back side
  • back is carved in shape of tortoise
    • symbol of authority
  • carved in relief or studded