• Mblo (portrait mask)
  • Baule peoples, modern day Ivory Coast
  • early 20th century
  • wood

Baule Culture

  • entertainment dances are newly invented every few generations
  • mblo mask are oldest art forms
  • Baule sculpture style embodied in mblo
  • mblo is type of structured perfomance
  • “ambomon” is performance with unmasked dancers
    • ambiguous trickster who amuses audience
    • death and danger
    • men should abstain from intercourse before wearing the mask
    • sexually active women should not touch the mask
    • amuses audience by causing trouble but no real damage
      • entertains between appearances of masks
  • dances become old-fashioned
    • young men reinvent it when it gets old

Mblo Masks

  • prototypical human face
  • portrait
  • believed to be old as time
  • show beauty and desire to give pleasure
  • Owie Kimoh carved the mask for Moya Yanso
  • new generation of “kpan kpan” dance
    • people are allowed to reveal identity
    • masks represent political ideas, not individuals
    • new music
  • cause for rare performances
    • portrait masks require good dancers
    • person protrayed needs to be present

Formal Qualities

  • smooth curving surfaces
  • coiffures
  • scarification
  • introspective
  • large, downcast eyes
  • ornaments chosen for beauty
  • tall forehead
  • small mouth and ears