• Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife
  • 1910-1914 CE
  • pigmented wood
  • Olowe of Ise, Yoruba peoples, modern day Nigeria

Yoruba Culture

  • “afin” is the royal palace
    • many courtyards surrounded by verandas
    • steep roofs
    • courtyards are used for gathering people for public rites
  • “ogoga” - means king
  • “ari” - artists commissioned constantly to embellish “afins”
    • means itinerant
  • senior wife is responsible for coronation
    • also responsible for some governing
  • projections from the top of the head show divine presence

Olowe of Ise

  • best Yoruba sculptor
  • carved hard iroko tree as if it were soft
  • “ojuona” - design consciousness

Veranda Post

  • sculpted for the “afin” at Ikere by Olowe of Ise
  • dependence of king on others
  • senior wife has importance by her posture
  • junior wife is depicted as small, hierarchy of figures
  • power of women
    • startling blue
    • standing behind conveys the hidden power

Formal Characteristics

  • caryatid - meant as a column
  • interrelationship of figures
  • exaggerated proportions and open space
  • scale conveys the kings power comes from ancestors
    • shown in the dominating, intricate crown
  • lines from senior wife to enthroned king
    • conveys intimate relationship
  • presence of bird
    • conveys power in spiritual realm