
  • Earth’s Creation
  • Emily Kame Kngwarreye
  • Austrailian Aborigine
  • 1994 CE
  • Synthetic polymer paint on canvas

Life of Emily Kame Kngwarreye

  • aborigine dreamtime
  • contemporary artist of Australia
  • very secluded from the outside world
  • began painting later in life
  • produced several paintings
  • first female Australian artist and aborigine to break 1 million dollars
  • created murals inspired by ritual dreamings
  • also painted motifs on women’s bodies for “awelye” ceremony
    • expressed cultural songs and dances
  • never painted figures
  • Alhalkere - dreamtime location where she derives creativity
    • infused into her life and paintings
  • painted batiks and transitioned to canvas
  • palette determined by seasonal colors
    • time of year, she paints different colors

Earth’s Creation

  • depicts the landscape after rains
    • shows the verdant vegetation
    • surging with life
  • a depiction of Alhalkere

Formal Characteristics

  • very green
  • dots coalesce in a crescendo
  • swirling formations convey movement
  • animal and plant forms reduced to fields of “dump dump” dots