• Stonehenge
  • 2,500-1,600 BCE
  • Wiltshire, England
  • Sarsen stones


  • built in multiple stages
  • can be used to predict solstices and eclipses
  • assembled using post-and-lintels
    • the horizontal and vertical components
  • secured with mortise-and-tenon
    • interlocking joints
  • outer circle has sarsen megaliths
  • different stones used at different times
    • stones are brought from far away
  • built in three phases


  • ceremonies of death and burial
    • nearby cemeteries
      • number of wood posts in a circle
  • evidence of long-distance migration
  • evidence of burial and cremation
  • connected via pathway to Avon River
  • could be to connect ancestors of common people
    • for unity
    • stone is eternal
      • represents dead
  • could be as a healing site to bring ill people
  • relationship to lunar calendar
    • astrological site with altar

Formal Qualities

  • henge - a circle of stones or posts
  • rough-cut sarsen stones
  • inner circle has bluestones
  • innermost ring has trilithons
  • lone heel-stone marks the summer solstice
  • Aubrey holes that contained bluestones and burials
  • fine details
    • stones are cut to appear uniform from the ground
    • stones are slightly cut to eccentuate the Northeast
      • shows sophistication and organization